Sunday, November 16, 2008


Welcome to my blog about the earths atmosphere. you will be able to find out information about the weather, the sun,the composition of the atmosphere, global warming and the different layers of the atmosphere.. Enjoy..


Weather is the state of the atmosphere at any given time and place. Most weather takes place in the lower layer of the atmosphere. Weather occurs because our atmosphere is in constant motion.
Some determining factors of weather are temperature,, pressure, precipitation, fronts, clouds, and wind. Other more severe weather conditions are hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms.
Weather changes every season because of the Earth's tilt when it revolves around the sun.
Meteorology is the study of weather, and meteorologists are scientists who study and predict weather.


The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains approximately 98% of the total solar system mass. One hundred and nine Earths would be required to fit across the Sun's disk, and its interior could hold over 1.3 million Earths. The Sun's outer visible layer is called the photosphere and has a temperature of 6,000°C (11,000°F). This layer has a mottled appearance due to the turbulent eruptions of energy at the surface

Monday, November 10, 2008

Composition of the Atmosphere

Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 0.93% argon. The remainder, less than 0.1%, contains many small but important trace gases, including water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone. All of these trace gases have important effects on the earth's climate. The atmosphere can be divided into vertical layers determined by the way temperature changes with height. The layer closest to the surface is the troposphere, which contains over 80% of the atmospheric mass and nearly all the water vapor. The next layer, the stratosphere, contains most of the atmosphere's ozone, which absorbs high energy radiation from the sun and makes life on the surface possible. Above the stratosphere are the mesosphere and thermosphere. These two layers include regions of charged atoms and molecules, or ions. Called the ionosphere, this region is important to radio communications, since radio waves can bounce off the layer and travel great distances. It is thought that the present atmosphere developed from gases ejected by volcanoes. Oxygen, upon which all animal life depends, probably built up as excess emissions from plants that produce it as a waste product during photosynthesis. Human activities may be affecting the levels of some important atmospheric components, particularly carbon dioxide and ozone.